Module 1: Money Relationships | Your Financial Wellness Journey

This course encourages learners to examine their personal relationship with money.

Course Access : Lifetime
Current Price
* Inclusive of all taxes
Course Access : Lifetime
Instructors : 1
Videos : 13
Languages : US English
$ 9.99

What you'll Get


  • None. This course does not require any previous courses, experience or knowledge.


Overall wellness is rooted in a balance of physical, mental and financial health. Though many people struggle with financial challenges, the negative effects of poor money management are rarely connected with health and wellness. This course explores personal stories of overcoming financial struggle. Learners will explore topics including: gambling addiction, finding affordable mental healthcare, financial therapy, economic cost of mental illness, suicide and debt, and spotting financial abuse.

Learn the following topics in this course: Mental healthcare affordability, gambling addiction, suicide and money, anxiety and money, stress and money, financial abuse, and financial therapy.

Course Objectives:

Draw a connection between financial health, physical health and mental health and determine how the three elements of wellness are interrelated.

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